Renew Me By Your Spirit

I think just about everyone has a desire to draw closer to God. Our spiritual lives often need a fresh start, an awakening. We tend to cool off, to wander, and most of the time, it is not for the better. That doesn’t have to be your story. You can be that person who is vibrantly alive in the Spirit, someone filled with faith, engaged in Kingdom work, gracious and without an edge, rejoicing in what God is doing, exuberantly worshipping and serving, functioning in the gifts of God in your life. And perhaps most of all—a person who is joyful! Renew Me by Your Spirit is written to help you realize that picture in your life. Your best days in God are ahead of you!


Revive Me According to Your Word

Revive Me According to Your Word is a daily devotional written by Pastor Brent Cantelon, Senior Pastor of Christian Life Assembly based out of Langley, BC. It is meant to inspire, encourage, challenge, and equip you to grow deeper with Christ.


Audio Sermons:

Sermon: Why Revival Won't Come To Canada

Listen to one of Brent's most well known sermons! From 1998, "Why Revival Won't Canada" is a challenging message that calls Christians to a life of conviction and calling. This is a Digital Product, you will be emailed with download information - no physical product will be shipped. 

The Big Ones

Explore the spiritual foundations that make up our Christian faith. These 5 sermons from Brent Cantelon will encourage you to return to basics of your faith. This is a Digital Product, you will be emailed with download information - no physical product will be shipped.